The Fondation Le Camp is proud to host the "Halte Gourmande" - this new edition of the "Ballade Gourmande du vignoble neuchâtelois" - on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 July 2021.
The aim of the gourmet walk is to discover the terroir of a region while travelling through it.
This year, due to sanitary restrictions, it will be a less sporty but just as gourmet stopover, which will take place at the Fondation Le Camp in Vaumarcus. On this convivial occasion, 6 food and wine pairings, all from regional producers, will be served to registered guests.
Registrations are still open until Sunday 4 July 2021 at the following address: "Halte gourmande du vignoble neuchâtelois" - Edition 2021 -"